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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:14 pm
by Helen
Heres download link VCTF-mylevelVCTFvehiclefactories is map name.

First things this is NOT A REAL map just map with custom defualt properties of using mylevel system so u have to open to this map to get factories if you want to add it to ur own maps.

Secound I added aegis in this map(fast pally), also fixed refire rate so the aegis shoots like old pally(as in fire rating time).

Secound post will be about describe what properties on VCTFactories can do and what works and what doesnt work....

And also added the osmtex which was missing form file.

Re: VCTF-mylevelVCTFFactories

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:54 pm
by Helen
Ok i made these vehiclefactories 4 years ago by also using some of assualt vehicle factories but making into VCTF- I never understood why assualt vehicle factories where more editable than ons stuff from makers of ut2004, but anyways Heres descriptions of what properties do on VCTF.

1.AIVisibilityDist = this for how far bots can see you when they are in this vehicle

2.Announcement_Destroyed = when this vehicle dies everyone heres a sound letting them know this vehicle was destoryed(killed). For example people always ask if red/blue tank is down you could make custom sound say red tank destoryed, blue tank destory, but i dont have any custom sounds but pretty sure therse one on tank destoryed from assualt sounds.

3.bAllowWeaponToss = if true people in vehicle drop their weapon if they are killed. This great for raptor going to deemer tank tank or teammate shoots him down and guy in raptor will drop his redeemer. For killing him the team gets to pick up his deemer instead of going to waste.

4.bAutoSpawn= if false it will look for an event to spawn it like use triggers as an example for first spawn then it will wait for prespawn event to spawn it.NOTE bPlayerControl must be false to work.

5.PreSpawnEvent = makes the vehicle spawn for first time by some trigger you need to add to the even note if bautospawn is false,

6.PreSpawnTime How much time when match starts to spawn the vehicle. (its superweapons/powerups have delay you can set have vehicles have delay to spawn when you start a match. Great to allow people set up D and download the map on publics.

7.bAutoTurret =if true an ai in turrent and auto shoots at enemies but only applies to miniturents link turrents and shock turrents

8.bCanCarryFlag= if true this vehicle carry the flag, this great for new map types if you want to do flying maps in space for ratpors ciciadas and skarrja spaceships.

9.bEjectDriver= if set true when the vehicle is destoryed the people in it will they be thrown out of it instead of killed.

10.bEnter_TeamUnlocks=will this vehicle unlock when you enter and exit it.

11.bHighScoreKill= if set true gives 5 points for killing that vehicle great for mantas and tanks to have people get credit more for killing them

12.bHUDTrackVehicle= well its suppose to set it trackable on hud but doesnt work for somereason in vctf so it has no purpose atm

13.bDefaultEFX = if true make spawns sounds like ONSluant vehicles spawning from creating new node.

14.bDefensive = if true bots sit in vehicle shoot at emenis that come by ( more for turrents).

15.bCrushable= if ture vehicle will spawn no matter whats in the way. For example we are play vctf-actioncity and i place scropin on red tanks spawn point when red tank spawns point and it will spawn on top of scropin so theres no spawn blocking camping the vehicles.

16.bPlayerControl= if true ai built in vehicle(for this to work auto turrent must be true and bPlayerControl false) this mainly for link, shock and mingun turrents.

17.bKeyVehicle= if true its for bots so bots will hunt for this vehicle before getting the flag.

18.bRandomFlip= if true its suppose to random spawn vehicle in different directions but really doesnt work somereason.

19.bRandomSpawn = was my atempt to make wild vehiceCtffactory but unreal editor really buggy saying scripts work but they really dont when you test it out so igrone this property to wont work either way.

20.bRespawnWhenDestroyed= if true this vehicle will spawn immediately when someone destorys the vehicle

21.bSpawnProtected= if true this vehicle will take no damage until someone enters it

22.bVehicleTeamLock= if true the vehicle will be locked for that team when it spawns; NOTE NEUTRAL VEHICLES MUST BE FALSE OR NO ONE CAN GET INTO THEM.

23.HornSounds= allows you to add as many horns as you want to the vehicle and modify vehicles horns sounds.NOTE ALLOW VEHICLES by DEFUALT have 2 horns sounds.

24.LastHornTime= the time in secs will it wait before you can use your horn again

25.LastLockWarningTime= in secs after getting first avirl or lock on this vehicle will you get message again.

26.LockWarningInterval= how many secs until you get first lock on your vehicle.

27.RetrySpawnTime= how much time does vehicle try to spawn again if block: note bCrushable must be false for this

28.SpawnEvent= used for triggers, you could set message trigger to this saying red tank is up blue tank is up.

29.StolenSound= when someone steals an enemies vehicle what sound does it make.

30.TeamNum= what team dose this vehicle spawn for. NOTE 0=red 1=blue 2= green 3= gold 255=neutral

31.VehicleAmbientGlow= does this vehicle glow if set 255 it will glow like utcomp skins on a player instead it will on the vehicle.

32.VehicleHealth= how much health does this vehicle have.

33.VehicleLostTime= this may work or not i was testing wasnt sure but it was mainly for how much time in sec does the vehicle can be no used before it respawns to vehicle factory again. An example is setting the hellbender on the flag how many secs should that vehicle stay on the flag if no one gets in it.

34.WaterDamage= how much damage per sec to vehicle if its in water.

35.bDriverHoldsFlag = if true driver ONLY GRAPHICALLY HOLDS THE FLAG LIKE THE SCORPIN(bcarryflag must be true)

36.WheelsScale= how big your wheels are mainly for ground vehicles only.

Re: VCTF-mylevelVCTFFactories

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:04 pm
by Helen
ALSO MOST IMPORTANT FILE SOME YOU NEED TO RUN VCTFFACTORIES IS OMST.U its in download when i script it some reason hooked on that files( I HATE unreal editor BUGS).

Re: VCTF-mylevelVCTFFactories

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:58 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
WOW this is deep. I'm going to check this out this weekend. Thanks!

Re: VCTF-mylevelVCTFFactories

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:37 pm
by Beltamaxx
CTC-JimRimya wrote:WOW this is deep. I'm going to check this out this weekend. Thanks!
It's an awesome tool, ty helen.