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some slow downloads

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:24 am
by Raptor85
I did a clean install and cleared my had gotten over 40 gigs and most of it was pretty old stuff on servers long gone, but on trying to load maps there's some packages that download really slowly. (not on the redirect) Mostly it's ECE packs and stuff that was included in the DVD version of 2k4 but not the CD version.

so far..

I kinda gave up at this point and grabbed them via ssh from my server, but just a heads up that some packages are missing. (though common ones, almost all maps these days use these packs so if you've played on any other server you have them by this point and would never notice)

Re: some slow downloads

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:39 am
by Beltamaxx
I'll look into it.