Convince the pirate: weapon lockers

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Convince the pirate: weapon lockers

Post by Lazy.Pirate »

So, i decided that i wanted to discuss various things i find... incorrect about maps in general, and i figured i would throw out a topic, and let people voice how they feel about these points... i figured i'd let people try and convince me that some idea's are good (and yes, im open to being convinced by logic).

So, for the first topic, a simple one (imo): Weapon Lockers.

now i have several points about these i want to bring up, so i'll number them.

1) Fully loaded weapon lockers: why is it a good thing to give out EVERY weapon in a single weapon locker? It generally turns games into VC-TAM-F. One of the main points of an arena shooter like unreal is map control, so by placing, say, the rocker launcher or flak cannon somewhere forward of the flags, it not only encourages people to move out of the base, but also forces them to venture out to get a particular weapon, and sometimes will coax them to go for the enemy flag.

2) Different loadouts in the spawn area: This just seems completely wrong to me. On larger maps, maybe it's ok, but large maps should be reserved for onslaught. If i spawn to the left of the flag, or to the right of the flag, there should be no difference in the lockers, especially when they are 3 steps from each other. If you want to stick a single weapon somewhere else (perhaps a sniper or avril up high on a platform) that's more than fine, but having completely different loadouts in all the base lockers just shouldnt happen.

3a) Things in lockers that shouldn't be there: This is mostly things like super weapons. On daedalus, not only are the lockers fully loaded, but one of them has a fucking ion painter in it... why? if you make a map that ends up being a spamy fun map, fine, but on a map that is supposed to have decent play on it? put the ion painters center of the map and make people fight for them, thats why they are super weapons, they're supposed to be unique.

3b) Continuing with things that shouldnt be there: Sniper rifle AND lightning gun on the same map, especially in the same locker... and please give me the "personal preference" bullshit excuse for this one, because thats just dumb. i think i once said the only way i would support this is if the better weapon (lighting gun) was place somewhere towards the center of the map, forcing people to move out to get it if they want to use it, otherwise, i cannot ever see a reason for this.

feel free to respond to any or all of these points, as i would love to know why people feel these things are correct/incorrect when it comes to maps and how they play.
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Re: Convince the pirate: weapon lockers

Post by Mr Bean »

There are too many maps to remember where specific weapon pick-ups are placed, so using weapon lockers is a given. In a perfect world, everyone is respectful and doesn't spawn rape. But since this isn't a perfect world... I like to make every spawn point have a weapon locker directly in front of it, just a couple steps a way. This helps give the newly spawned player a better chance.


Different players like different guns. So, in order to cater to a larger audience, I generally put these in all the lockers:
- Lightning Gun
- Shock Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Flak Cannon
- Link Gun
- Mini Gun
- Bio Rifle (goo-gun)

Any Spiders, Grenades, or Super Weapons are by themselves (if used at all). Again, this is generally what I do. Depending on the map, there could always be exceptions. VCTF-Basically uses different weapon lockers towards the middle of the map, and I applaud evergreen's choice in doing so. Anyways... just sharing some of my insight.

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Re: Convince the pirate: weapon lockers

Post by WeedVulture »

the avrils and grenades should NOT be in the weapons locker. the grenades should be placed close to the flag. the avrils should be placed in an elevated area of the map. small maps do not require avrils.... place the sniper rifle in an area a sniper can hide and shoot. (i mentioned this to jim once on one of his maps. he agreed, and did not bash me for my opinions. cool guy.) spreading the weapons out so players can venture away from the base is not a bad idea.

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Re: Convince the pirate: weapon lockers

Post by CTC-JimRimya »

When I was making maps, I'd prefer lockers for most items, but would put some things in a locker on one side of the base, and then similar things on the other side. For example, the locker on the left might have a flak cannon, shock and goo gun. The one on the right would have a rocket, LG, and maybe the link gun. As weed said, avrils and grenades should be separate. And sometimes I liked the idea of putting the link gun in a locker towards the middle of the map. That way, if you wanted to support a tank at your flag, you'd have to venture out to get that gun, then return.

I also like putting spawn points behind the lockers or very near them, like Bean said. I wanted players to get right into the fray, instead of having to go hunting for even a basic weapon.

I never liked the maps that gave you all weapons in every locker. This is pointless to me.
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