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Re: Whatabunchofass

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:47 am
by Deathstrike
CTC-PapaSmurf wrote:Guess I'll just have to start pirating games like Deathstrike does. Seems cheaper and a bigger FU to the gaming industry. SUCK MY NUTS YOU COCK SU.. sorry.. got a little carried away.

Honestly, I don't care for the ongoing payment model. I like to choose when I want to play and most of the time I go in waves. Sometimes I can go a month without playing, then decide I want to. I don't like having to choose. I think some of these companies are crossing the boundaries as to where their place is. They see WoW and SecondLife and such get by with charging monthly subscriptions and say, hey why not? Younger and younger gamers aren't going to care if they own the game, just the access. The real point I guess is, if a game is good enough, it will become popular regardless of the subscription fees. But not many games will be able to do this.

I don't see the pay once model going away any time soon. But DLCs are most certainly here to stay. It's just too lucrative.
Pirating games is pointless for me. My rig can't even play those games. Its really silly now that I think of it. I haven't even played through a game that I've pirated. Didn't even finish Borderlands on the PC and did end up getting it on the console and finishing since you guys stopped playing it + give props to the developer for creating an awesome game.

The lesson here is I should pirate games just to pirate them. It will stick it to them.