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Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:14 am
make you think befor you drink another pop ... right-now/

I take Aspirin for the headaches caused by Zyrtec I take for the hayfever I got from Relenza for the uneasy stomach caused from the Ritalin I take for the short attention span caused by the Scopederm TS that I take for the motion sickness I got from the Lomotil I take for the diarrhea caused by the Seminal for the uncontrolled weight gain from Zocor I take for my high cholesterol because exercise, a good diet, and regular Chiropractic Care are just too much trouble!!!

friend of mine who's a chiropractor posted this on facebook , thought it was funny

could be the start of a health thread !?

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:08 am
by WarDad71
Well that explains some things. I already have high blood pressure - for sure cutting this out of the diet.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:05 pm
by x-GAMBIT-x
Yeah I have High Blood Pressure also.
I drink A&W Rootbeer mostly, but now I'm also back to drinking Mt.Dew.
I should just drink water but there's no taste there.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:08 am
by rimmer59
Flavored Iced tea is good for you. And I only drink 1-2 pops a week so i'm good.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:51 pm
by SMR
x-GAMBIT-x wrote:Yeah I have High Blood Pressure also.
I drink A&W Rootbeer mostly, but now I'm also back to drinking Mt.Dew.
I should just drink water but there's no taste there.

Water does it for me. But Im starting to drink soda here and there again.
I wish Jones Soda would use less their shit.

Jones Cream Soda-the shit!

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:21 pm
by Deathstrike
Can't stand soda pop. It doesn't quench my thirst so I just don't drink it. Water is refreshing, so it's good enough for me. (Soda pop = Empty calories - no nutrition gained, yet tons fo calories)

All these food companies are scrambling for the next big thing - natural sweetner with 0 calories. aka Stevia. Pepsi-Cola has flatout told consumers about it in commercials, while Coca-Cola has been sneaking it in slowly. There has not been enough study about it to be used, so I'm still cautious about an all natural sweetner with 0 calories. (Yeah, I took a Food, Science, and Technology class and it's one of their biggest projects for that department. Funny that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola has been trying to shove money at them.)

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:14 pm
Deathstrike wrote:Can't stand soda pop. It doesn't quench my thirst so I just don't drink it. Water is refreshing, so it's good enough for me. (Soda pop = Empty calories - no nutrition gained, yet tons fo calories)

All these food companies are scrambling for the next big thing - natural sweetner with 0 calories. aka Stevia. Pepsi-Cola has flatout told consumers about it in commercials, while Coca-Cola has been sneaking it in slowly. There has not been enough study about it to be used, so I'm still cautious about an all natural sweetner with 0 calories. (Yeah, I took a Food, Science, and Technology class and it's one of their biggest projects for that department. Funny that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola has been trying to shove money at them.)

i agree im the same way about pop ... all i drink is water but i have a glass of un-sweetened tea with dinner

gonna try some cold iced white tea un-sweetened

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:45 am
by CTC-JimRimya
Yeah, I agree too. Soda drinks aren't refreshing at all. Neither is beer, in my opinion, but hey...

I just drink water throughout the day, and have unsweetened iced tea in the morning and with dinner. Gotta get a little caffeine! I switched from black iced tea to green iced tea. It's tasty and has a little less caffeine. Also, don't put lemon in your tea... it promotes plaque buildup on your teeth (if you have that problem).

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:35 am
by WarDad71
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I switched to green iced tea.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:15 am
by CTC-PapaSmurf
I used to drink a couple Mt. Dews a day.. that was always my drink of choice. I would then look for things like Gatorade when I was looking for a more "healthy" drink. It wasn't until I was older that I realized that Gatorade had nearly as much sugar as Mt. Dew or other soda did.. it just wasn't carbonated.

My little nephew has been dealing with a brain tumor that is next to his hypothalamus and it has caused severe wait gain and chemical imbalance for him. He started going to a nutrition specialist in San-Francisco that has been helping him through alot of the major issues he is faced with. One of the main things this doctor talks about is the severe issues with High Fructose Corn Syrup. He has made several presentations with amazing amounts of information to backup the negative issues of HFCS. After hearing these things I really changed my diet a lot. I may have a soda once in a while at a social event, but I dropped from about two cans of soda a day to about two per month. I can't even begin to express how scared I am about artificial sweetener.. Diet drinks are out of the question. I know sucralose has its place and I am happy it exists for those that have medical reasons for it.. but I am terrified of the stuff..

There have been several studies that link weight gain to soda intake due to the empty calories and massive amounts of sugar. Many people that stop drinking pop or limit themselves will say, I only have one soda a day.. that isn't a big deal.. However, in these studies, they found a majority amount of individuals gained on average 10.3 pounds due to soda intake.. Interesting stuff.. really.

Water it is for me..

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:58 pm
by Cornfed
Coke without Rum! :shock: Ain't gonna happen!!

I always get a laugh out of people that say sodas are bad and give their kids things like Sunny-D, that stuff has nearly twice the sugar and calories of a soda.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:29 pm

nice healthy drink

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:11 am
by CTC-JimRimya
I just did this (had a watermelon in the fridge ready to go) and it's pretty tasty! I used cheese cloth to strain. Works just the same.

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:19 am
CTC-JimRimya wrote:I just did this (had a watermelon in the fridge ready to go) and it's pretty tasty! I used cheese cloth to strain. Works just the same.

lol cheese cloth thats what i used too , much cheaper then the gracie bag ($20)

Re: Soda Pop !

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:30 am
by Variasaber
Not to be that one guy, but I have never concerned myself with nutrition in the past, and except for some serious ADD, I am completely fine.

Diet Coke on the rocks as often as possible, bitches \m/

However, I have noticed my metabolism seems to be slowing down recently, so I'm going to be a bit more careful about the amount of food that I eat and I'll consider cutting back on the soda.

A Nutrition thread, on a forum of an online FPS clan. Who'da thunk it.