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CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:47 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
So we all knew it was inevitable. The server will go away sometime around midnight March 1st.

There are a few reasons why I/we chose to close it:

- It's overrun (at times) by assholes. We all know the story and have been down that road, so we won't discuss it here.
- Lack of interest. Some of us have not been playing UT much lately and have moved onto other games. The server isn't getting the traffic it once did.
- Lack of funds. This isn't really a huge issue, but donations have been down lately. This is not a cheap server and the coffers are nearly empty.

We will be replacing it with a 12-slot PRIVATE ut2k4 server. Info on that will be coming soon, as well as how to get the password. These forums will stay for sure. In fact, I plan to keep them for a long time. And the Ventrilo server will most likely move to a new host, but we will always have a vent server. More info to come.

I do NOT consider this a disbanding of CTC as a clan. True, we have kind of grown apart as some of us play other games now, but we will still be CTC: a group of gentleman (and one gentle-lady) warriors who have a love of gaming and great personalities in common.

I want to thank everyone, whether you have donated or not. It is you all that have made this a great community and a great server for so long (2.5 years). I am sorry to see it go but in a way I'm not. It is time to move on. I'd like to cut the nuts off of the few that have made it a hostile place, but that would be against the law (so I'm told).

CTC is the light and the way.

instead of moving to a new host, I'll be keeping this server, just bumping it down to 12 slots and adding a PW. Vent, forums, etc will stay the same. I'm planning on doing this on March 1 now. There.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:49 am
by Beltamaxx
Suggestion, locking it down, don't let go of your IP. I guarantee a smoother transition this way.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:34 pm
by ru_exp
I just wanna thank you and that Spanish speaking White dude with the sausage name for every muthafuckin thing that you've done! Muchas gracias and shit like that. ... re=related

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:50 pm
by Trailboss3
Sad to here this! :(

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:17 pm
by WarDad71
Private server, cool! We (me and the boys) will support as much as possible...but as mentioned - too many other distractions game-wise :D There are some great guys (and gal) here...hope to maintain those friendships and messing around in other areas online.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:25 pm
by Knave_Skye
This actually sounds good to me. A private server hosting multiple game types(hopefully comparable to the old private server) is something id be more willing to do than playing VCTF.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:54 pm
by Tiggrrrr
Sounds good to me as well. Thanks for the good times,
in the public server.
For the good people that make me not want to give up
completely on the human race.

Ta, ta for now my friends, but not for long or forever^^^^
Tiggrrrr's always around :!: hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!~
And Tiggrrrr too! Im the only one^^^^ :wink:
Lets hope we can get some people back in the private server :!:
~Alyson~ always and forever ^^^^<{CTC}>Tiggrrrr^^^^

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:03 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Hey ya'all.

Real mixed feelings about this but it was bound to happen. We started the server with the hopes of it becoming a place where the community was more essential than the game. It was that way for a good long time and I think that many people spent some real good times here. Eventually it became the only place left that still tried to hold true to the spirit of UT, VCTF and fun.

I stopped coming when I couldn't enjoy that aspect anymore. I felt that any time I came on it was a tattletale session. That got old really quick.

I think we tried to accommodate the community by having a host of admins and a way to kick people that were causing issues. There was no way, other than do what we're doing now and what has already been done at Helens', to provide that again. In this respect I'm very glad. We can finally be rid of the idiots that have ruined this for everyone. So fuck you to those morons that brought this on. Everyone that is welcomed at Helens will be welcomed here. We are not trying to distance our community, only protect what we share in common.

Thank you to all of those people that have been supporters and advocates for our little corner. Once the server becomes private I promise you that you will be seeing more of me and, perhaps, some new content for all of us to enjoy.

In closing, fuck you again to those that forced our hand. Find some other place to poison with your idiocy.

Much love, Salchica.

CTC is the way.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:34 am
by x-GAMBIT-x
I'm up for a Private Server, I always had fun on the old private server. And if we change our mind we can always make it public later again.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:01 am
by otb shadow
I feel like someone just told me Santa Claus isn't real. I feel real old all of a sudden. :(

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:56 am
by kronx
isn't the server still populated whats the problem.. oh yeahh populated... but not by ctc people

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:58 pm
Glad to see the server is still up.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:15 pm
by WarDad71
Correct me if I'm wrong...nothing is going away except for the public server - those who want it will have access to password(s) to the new CTC private server...sharing your password with known troublemakers/server crashers etc. might not be a good idea and ZOMG it's ONYX on the CTC forums??? Armageddon! (and welcome to your forums :P )

Jim and Sal pretty much gave their definition of what a server asshole is above. Many of us been playing other games together on occasion.... steam <{CTC}>ONYX: Last Online: 274 days ago... :(

kronx wrote:isn't the server still populated whats the problem.. oh yeahh populated... but not by ctc people
There's been several CTC folks playing UT...maybe not all at the same time and on the same server.

CTC-Salchicha wrote: So fuck you to those morons that brought this on.

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:57 pm
by WeedVulture

Re: CTC Public server going away soon...

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:32 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
ONYX wrote:This is a real bummer, but I understand the decision. It's been a good run of VCTF these past years.

I'm curious what you're all playing now and if any of the new games are as fun as VCTF in terms of game play (cool vehicles), teamwork (communication) and action. What game should I be looking at getting next to fill the hole in my VCTF soul?

Get on Steam some day Onyx. Some of us are playing Black Ops and having a great time with it.

And thank you, Wardad, for your post. Yes, we are not going away, just the public server is.