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UTComp guide

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:04 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
UTComp is a server and client side mutator for UT2004 that adds a lot of cool features to the game, such as variable hitsounds, bright skins, colored names, and enhanced netcode. I’ve put this little tutorial together to help you understand and use UTComp when you’re playing on the CTC servers. Please post any feedback or corrections you have.

Main Screen
To access the UTComp menu, press F5 on your keyboard. If for some reason you have F5 remapped to another keybind, or it doesn’t work for some reason, go to your command console (press the `/~ (grave/tilde) key) and type ‘mymenu’. This will open the main UTComp menu.

This screen tells you a few things:
  • What version of UTComp is running on this server. 1.7a is the most recent version.
  • What brightskins mode is set on the server.
  • How the hitsounds work on the server.
  • Whether double damage pickup is enabled on the server.
  • Whether Netcode is enabled on the server.
As of this writing, the public CTC server is set up like shown in the picture, except that Hitsounds are set to ‘everywhere’ and not just line of sight.

Also on this main menu there are two large buttons, Ready and Not Ready. These are only important if the server is configured with a pre-round warmup time. The private CTC server usually has a warmup time of 2 to 5 minutes. To signal to the server and other players that you’re ready to play, click ‘Ready’ on this screen. You can also type ‘ready’ or ‘notready’ at the command console.

Skins/Models screen
This screen allows you to set all aspects of the bright skins feature. I have my settings as shown. If you check Enemy based skins or enemy based models, the pulldown changes a bit, and I’m currently a little confused as to how this works, so I don’t use them. The first pulldown allows you to select the team you’re making skin changes to. Select a team (Red shown here). The next pulldown allows you to select the bright skins type that you’d like to use. UTComp style is the brightest, Regular means no bright skins enabled. Epic bright skins uses the built in bright skins in the game, as well as the player glow. I personally don’t think the Epic bright skins are much brighter, so I keep mine at UTComp style.

The RGB sliders allow you to change the actual color for the selected team. In this case, I’ve made the Red team actually look yellow. This is a choice, and you can mess with the sliders all you want to adjust the colors. Certain colors make it easier to see. Yellow is pretty bright!

There is a check box that says ‘force red (or blue) models’. Check this and select the model in the pulldown below it. I like to use the GORGE model (shown) for everybody, both red and blue. He’s big and bulky so players are nice fat targets.
Do the same things with the Blue team as well. A nice color option for blue is to set the blue and green sliders to 100%, resulting in an aqua color. Again, it’s pretty bright so it helps out.

Finally, I like to check ‘darken dead bodies’. That way, the moment a player dies, the bright skin is removed.

Colored names screen
On this screen you can change the way your name shows up on the menu and other places. The first four check boxes are pretty self-explanatory. After playing the last couple nights, I think I’m going to turn off all colored names by unchecking all boxes. It actually makes them hard to see in the scoreboard, which I check often to see who’s carrying the flag. Use the pull down to select the way death messages are displayed. Again, self-explanatory.

In the center of this screen, your current name is shown. Move the indicator under each character of your name, and then adjust the RGB sliders below. White is 100% on all three colors, black is 0% on all three. Once you’re set with the colors, click Save. The saved names will appear in the pulldown to the left. You can create multiple names and select them here. To use the selected name, click ‘Use this name’. Easy?

Team Overlay screen
UTComp's Team Overlay allows players to get detailed info on what other players are doing in the game, by displaying their current location, health, armor, powerups and weapon used. The setting on this screen are simple and outlined below. I personally don’t like the overlay, but it is on by default on our server so you can use it or not.
  • Enable Team Overlay
    Allows the player to enable or disable his own team overlay.
  • Show Self
    If enabled, you will show up on your own screen on the team overlay. If disabled, only your teammates will be shown.
  • Enable Icons
    If enabled, armors and health icons will be shown in the first row. This can be disabled to make the overlay slightly smaller.
  • Horizontal Location
    Allows modification of the overlay window's location on screen, on the X axis. The higher the slider, the more the overlay will show on the right side of the screen. Note that if you set this too high, it might not fit in entirely in the screen at certain resolutions.
  • Vertical Location
    Allows modification of the overlay window's location on screen, on the Y axis. The higher the slider, the lower the overlay will show on the screen. Note that if you set this too high, it might not fit in entirely in the screen at certain resolutions.
  • Size
    Allows modification of the size of the overlay window. Increasing this will scale everything up (text and icons), making things slightly easier to read, but obviously taking more screen space. Decreasing this has the opposite effect.
  • Background Color
    Changes the Team Overlay window's Background Color, using red/green/blue sliders.
  • Location Color
    Changes the color that player locations are displayed in the Team Overlay, using red/green/blue sliders.
  • Name Color
    Changes the color that player names are displayed in the Team Overlay, using red/green/blue sliders.
Hitsounds Screen
One of the major benefits of UTcomp is the hitsounds. I can’t play on a server without them anymore. It give you instant feedback, especially with hitscan weapons. This screen is fairly simple. Check enable hitsounds to turn hitsounds on or off. Adjust the volume with the slider. I find the default settings pretty good. The CPMS style hitsounds allow for the variable pitch hitsound. A higher pitch means less damage, a lower pitch means more damage. I like the pitch adjustment feature, and the pitch range can be modified with the slider. Again, the default settings work well for me. Finally, you can select the sound used with the pulldowns. Since friendly fire is not turned on for either of our servers, the ‘team sound’ doesn’t matter.

Auto Demo/SS Screen
This screen allows you to automatically record client-side demos of the match, as well as take a screenshot at the end of the match. I don’t use the demo feature, but the screen shot feature is cool. Especially if you’re playing a scrim or match and you’d like to post the screen on the forums. The demo or screen shot mask defines how UTComp will name the resulting file. Here is a brief explanation of the mask codes: %d will add the current date, %t will add the current time in a 24 hour HH:MM format, %p will add your player name and %m will add the current map's name.

MISC Screen
This screen holds stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else, but it has some important settings. The Scoreboard settings define how the scoreboard works. You can choose to use the UTComp style scoreboard, and whether or not to show weapon and pickup stats on the scoreboard. For most public games, the stats don’t matter much unless you’re really interested. NOTE: If you use the UTComp scoreboard, only the top 8 players on each team will be displayed. This is a known limitation of UTComp. Since we have 18 slots and sometimes more than that on, I plan to turn off the UTComp scoreboard in the future.

I like the idea of turning off my footsteps sounds. Please note that they are still audible to other players, you just won’t hear your own. This allows you to focus on the footsteps of other players. The ‘match hud color to skins’ will do just that: If you’ve set your team skin color to be green or aqua or something other than red and blue, check this box to adjust your hud color to match that custom skin color. I like to keep my HUD the same old RED/BLUE as I sometimes get confused of what team I’m on if I’ve changed the skin colors dramatically.

And finally, but not at all in the least, the ‘Enable Enhanced Netcode’ check box is at the bottom of this screen. For the most part, you want to keep this on. But, with it on, you will have a hard time linking the manta if you’re riding on its wing. Turn netcode off and this problem goes away. This is a pain in the butt, and I’m working on finding a keybind to change it (instead of going into the menu to do it), but I don’t know if a keybind is available. So note that if you’re going to be riding a manta wing a lot, turn netcode off.

As I said at the top of this post, please reply with your thought or ideas or corrections. Thanks for reading and have fun!

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:05 pm
by McShagger
CTC-JimRimya wrote:And finally, but not at all in the least, the ‘Enable Enhanced Netcode’ check box is at the bottom of this screen. For the most part, you want to keep this on. But, with it on, you will have a hard time linking the manta if you’re riding on its wing. Turn netcode off and this problem goes away. This is a pain in the butt, and I’m working on finding a keybind to change it (instead of going into the menu to do it), but I don’t know if a keybind is available. So note that if you’re going to be riding a manta wing a lot, turn netcode off.
Leave it on... just learn to aim for the sweet spot on the manta to link it... The sweet spot is toward the back of the manta when you are on the wing...

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 6:26 pm
by CTC-Darth
Thanks for that detailed post Jimmy. I am sure that took a little time. So the advantage of netcode is it gives you a hit if you lag out during the shot? How much does it really help?

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 6:36 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
This is from the UTComp readme regarding Netcode. I figured it would explain it better than I can.

Enhanced Netcode Information

First of all, technically the word netcode is a tad misleading: UTComp's Enhanced Netcode does not have any impact on the actual network data being sent between clients and servers. The better word would be predictive weapon firing. However, due to the fact that gaming communities typically refer to this as netcode, we decided to use a term that players would easily be able to identify. Please do not write us angry emails claiming Enhanced Netcode isn't really netcode: we know.

As opposed to past "netcode" modifying mutators for the Unreal Tournament series, our netcode does not decide anything clientside that would normally be decided server side, or change the position players are displayed at. Our netcode works similar to Half-Life's, by having the server remain the ultimate authority.

The entire point of this is to remove the aim differences between various pings: while many players can deal with "lagged" fire, (having to lead targets depending on their pings) several players cannot, or would rather not if they had the option. Players using Enhanced Netcode can simply fire directly at targets, regardless of their ping.

Technical facts about Enhanced Netcode:

Hitscan Weapons:
How it works: The client draws its own client effects. The client sends info to the server. The server decides if the player would have hit if he were not lagged.

The immediate downside is 'through the wall' hits. These are not nearly as noticable in UT as you might imagine. Most experience with it comes from counter-strike, where the movement caused by damage is also reverted to 0 ping conditions. What this means is, that unlike CS, you won't get stuck behind a wall being hit over and over. You will be hit only if you would have been hit versus a lower pinger. This is currently capped at 350 milliseconds.

Another downside is that the client may register hits, or misses that will not actually register on the server. These are rather infrequent, but will happen nonetheless. The majority of these come from already existing innaccuracies in UT's netcode. In ut2004, when you fire a shot, the shot is not only not guaranteed to be fired when you shot, but also is not guaranteed to be even aiming in the same direction, or from the same place as you shot. For example, if you move your mouse *QUICKLY* from left to right or up to down. There is basically a random cone of fire, even on weapons like the shock rifle and lightning gun, and even on lan. This is why snap-shots are so innacurate in ut2004. Basically, the errors are made more visibly noticable.

Projectile Weapons:
Projectiles are reverted much like the hitscan weapns, but are currently limited to 75ms. You cannot be hit behind a wall by the projectiles.

Downsides: The immediate downside is that the projectiles are actually slightly harder to dodge vs a higher pinger. However, the magnitude of this effect is equal to the effect that the high pinger feels from the lower pingers projectiles. For example in the case of a 10 pinger vs a 75 pinger, they will both have equal difficulty in dodging projectiles, the approximate difficulty of a 85 ping player. Above 75 ping, the lower ping player has an advantage in dodging.

Shock Combos:
Your own shock balls are moved forward approximately as far as your ping, so that you do not have to lead them.

Downsides: The shock ball will look to be in a slightly different position when the actual combo explosion occurs. This is only visible to the firer, and has no real impact on play, but it looks wrong.

Other facts about Enhanced Netcode:
  • If the server has Enhanced Netcode enabled, every player can decide whether they want to use Enhanced Netcode or not. Players who prefer the regular UT2004 netcode can simply check an option in their F5, Miscellaneous menu and revert back to the normal netcode. This will have no impact on other players. Server admins who prefer not to use Enhanced Netcode can disable it entirely for all players by either changing the setting in their server.ini, or by voting the option off via the Voting--> Gametype --> Settings menu.
  • Enhanced Netcode is in most cases as accurate than the normal netcode is. However, many effects now take place on the client instead of the server. This has the direct result of causing some innacuracies that would normally be transparent to the player, visible.
  • Enhanced Netcode does not make it any "easier" to hit targets. It only makes it so that you don't have to fire ahead of opponents. For players who are unable to effectively adjust to their pings, it will make a difference, but it's not going to give them any better accuracies than they would get under lan conditions.
  • Enhanced Netcode does not favor higher ping players. However, if those players had difficulties aiming in front of their targets to compensate for their ping times, it will obviously minimize their usual ping disadvantage. As much as we'd like to make things 100% even regardless of pings, this just isn't possible. For now, minimizing higher ping disadvantages is as good as we can do.
  • Enhanced Netcode will not currently work with custom weapon mutators. So, for the time being, you would be best served to only use the enhanced Netcode with the standard weapon loadout.

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:39 pm
by «ßîc»EJ`
McShagger wrote:
CTC-JimRimya wrote:And finally, but not at all in the least, the ‘Enable Enhanced Netcode’ check box is at the bottom of this screen. For the most part, you want to keep this on. But, with it on, you will have a hard time linking the manta if you’re riding on its wing. Turn netcode off and this problem goes away. This is a pain in the butt, and I’m working on finding a keybind to change it (instead of going into the menu to do it), but I don’t know if a keybind is available. So note that if you’re going to be riding a manta wing a lot, turn netcode off.
Leave it on... just learn to aim for the sweet spot on the manta to link it... The sweet spot is toward the back of the manta when you are on the wing...

just point your link gun way behind the manta driver.

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:38 am
by !nfo.
CTC-JimRimya wrote:Skins/Models screen
This screen allows you to set all aspects of the bright skins feature. I have my settings as shown. If you check Enemy based skins or enemy based models, the pulldown changes a bit, and I’m currently a little confused as to how this works, so I don’t use them. The first pulldown allows you to select the team you’re making skin changes to. Select a team (Red shown here). The next pulldown allows you to select the bright skins type that you’d like to use. UTComp style is the brightest, Regular means no bright skins enabled. Epic bright skins uses the built in bright skins in the game, as well as the player glow. I personally don’t think the Epic bright skins are much brighter, so I keep mine at UTComp style.

The RGB sliders allow you to change the actual color for the selected team. In this case, I’ve made the Red team actually look yellow. This is a choice, and you can mess with the sliders all you want to adjust the colors. Certain colors make it easier to see. Yellow is pretty bright!

There is a check box that says ‘force red (or blue) models’. Check this and select the model in the pulldown below it. I like to use the GORGE model (shown) for everybody, both red and blue. He’s big and bulky so players are nice fat targets.
Do the same things with the Blue team as well. A nice color option for blue is to set the blue and green sliders to 100%, resulting in an aqua color. Again, it’s pretty bright so it helps out.

Finally, I like to check ‘darken dead bodies’. That way, the moment a player dies, the bright skin is removed.
Another good check box is the "Enemy Based models." This allows you to set you enemy skin color to one color and no matter what map/team you are on, your enemies will always be that color. I have all my crosshairs set to pink, so i use pink brightskins as teammates because they stand out very nicly. For enemies i use green, witch can be a problem on quite a few maps but i just deal with it. I would have to strongly recommend this because you only have to shoot at one color and not have to worry at the start of each map what color you are gonna shoot at. Pink is a good color that stands out to, if you dont use that for anything else, cuz trust me its hard to shoot pink skins with pink crosshairs :lol: .

My very delayed tip.

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:39 pm
by SMR
what does add clanskin do?

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:33 am
by CTC-JimRimya
SMR wrote:what does add clanskin do?
I'm not too sure... I think you can load custom skins and everyone on your team will show the same skin. But that's just a guess.

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:57 am
by SMR
If you force the xan model, you can see a players torso when he/she is invisible. Wonder if theres a way to remove that functionality for that character. I suspect some players are doing that over gorge.

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:54 pm
by Lazy.Pirate
One thing ive kinda noticed, but not really tested, so im not sure if its just coincidence or not...

I noticed that if your riding a manta, the link gun hooks up better if you switch to 3rd person. If you're having trouble, give that a shot (though like i said, may or may not work).

Re: UTComp guide

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:53 pm
by McShagger
That is true lazyP... I have noticed that as well...