
Discuss VCTF in both UT2004 and UT3

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Post by Dracion »

Hello, I'm Dracion and I'm relatively new to UT 2K4 :oops:. I recently (a few weeks) picked up a second hand copy because I enjoyed the original UT and I heard this one was good. I've been meaning to play online since I got the game, but I've never actually gotten round to it, I've mostly been wasting my time downloading maps that I thought looked interesting. Anyway, I found an 'advertisement' to this clan in one of the maps so I thought I'd check it out and play on the server. All I can say is, it looks great :mrgreen: One question, are we allowed to suggest maps? I've found a couple that I think are reasonably good.

Thanks, Dracion
The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive

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Re: Hello

Post by CTC-JimRimya »

Thanks for the post. Yes, by all means, suggest some maps! We are always looking for new maps to play. And come check us out on our server anytime. We are usually on around 9pm pacific time.

Here's a great Zoidberg quote for you:
"Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad!"
"The abyss gazes also into you"

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