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COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:49 pm
by CTC-JimRimya
So, I definitely want to get a Black OPS server. But before I reserve it, I'd like to get the opinions of those that will most likely get the game. Keep the following (albeit vague) information in mind:
Unranked servers will be fully customizable, while ranked server admins will be able to choose the maps and gametypes played on their server.
1. Ranked or un-ranked?
It seems that ranked servers will be more popular, and Badasp says
if it's like BC2 then only ranked servers will count towards unlocks and character progression.
If that's true, than ranked seems like the only option. But, with a ranked server, we won't be able to limit the stuff we deem as lame: noob-tube, akimbo weapons, etc. (your opinion of lame WILL vary).

2. What game type?
Of course, it seems that we all like domination the most: it requires communication and good team coordination. TDM is fun but can get boring (IMO) after a while. I like CTF but it seemed to never catch on with MW2 so it might not be that popular in this game.

3. Server location?
My first reaction is to get a server in a central location (Dallas), but Badasp has a good point here:
With a community so many times larger than UT or anything else, you can literally put a server anywhere and people will come. Since we're all west coast, having it in LA may be a good idea.
We do have two east-coast MW2 players, and neither of them will see this thread ;) But I tend to agree with Badasp on this one.

Also, keep in mind that nothing is set in stone. Gameservers will move your server to another datacenter for free (or very cheap) at any time, and we can always switch gametype and/or the ranked/un-ranked option.

So, whoever plans to get this game, chime in with your opinion. I'd like to reserve the server sometime within the next week, if not sooner, but I'd like to get everyone's opinions first.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:00 pm
by Knave_Skye
Yes on Game mode, yes on ranked, yes on west coast

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by hirschigrad06
Put the server in Dallas because I do plan on getting this game.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:51 pm
by CTC-Salchicha
Jim and I spoke about this last night. Regardless of my personal opinion of what type of server we should have, I'll go with the majority.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:57 pm
by ru_exp
Dallas...and yes to everything else.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:54 pm
by Mr Bean
Server Type - Without question... ranked. Half the fun is unlocking weapons and attatchments. When I first started playing MW2, the n00b tubes and fag stabbers got under my skin. I learned to deal with them the more I played. I however never learned to deal with the wall hax and botters. Yeah for dedicated servers!

Game Type - My personal preference is Domination. A little mix up now and again is always fun too though.

Location - I live on the west coast, but the Dallas location of the UT server provided me with great ping so I don't see advantage for west coast. It may however be a disadvantage to others. I think Dallas would be a general winner.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:10 am
by Bezim
If a server is bought, I just might have to get this game for PC...

A ranked server would be ideal, but it looks like there might be some awesome gametypes that won't be available. I'm not sure if there's going to be any ranked team "one in the chamber" or team "gun-game" types available, but it would be a shame to miss out on some of that potential awesomeness. I wonder how easily you'll be able to switch from free-for-all to a team game. Then we could get the best of both worlds!

Domination is still probably the best idea. Location doesn't matter to me. LA is somewhat closer, but doesn't ping all that much better than Dallas.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:37 am
by Ghosted
Server Type = Ranked
Game Type = Domination
Location = West Coast

Maybe we could start with ranked and then move to unranked sometime down the line after we're all leveled.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:25 am
by Deathstrike
Ghosted wrote:Server Type = Ranked
Game Type = Domination
Location = West Coast

Maybe we could start with ranked and then move to unranked sometime down the line after we're all leveled.
Although for location, you could go for Colorado if you truly want it in the center. If you want it West Coast, moving it up to San Jose would give Goated and Papa better ping, but it really depends who's going to get the game.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:10 pm
by CTC-PapaSmurf
Yah.. I like this idea a lot. We should maybe promote a donation fund in advance to get it all going for a few months..

Server Type = Ranked
Game Type = Domination
Location = West Coast

I feel the same way as most. I would almost think slightly more selfish about the location though. Honestly, the ping for the east coast players won't be that severe... I would place the server where you guys get the best ping.. LA would be great. I don't think my ping or ghosted's ping would really change, but it would def give some of our team mates a slight advantage.. Either way, this is going to be great. Can't wait to play black ops.. Of course, at the rate I am going, my roommates will always saturate my connection anyhow. I think it is time to replace the router with one of my own and really moderate the torrent traffic. :D

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:46 pm
by Ghosted
The vast majority of current MW2 players here are west coast. Personally, my ping doubles if it's in Dallas.

957 miles ... ttle+to+LA


1891 miles ... houston+TX


1380 miles ... houston+TX


Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:29 pm
by hirschigrad06
Ghosted wrote:The vast majority of current MW2 players here are west coast. Personally, my ping doubles if it's in Dallas.

957 miles ... ttle+to+LA


1891 miles ... houston+TX


1380 miles ... houston+TX

And how do we care?

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:32 pm
by rimmer59

Don't want to be Laggy...and Dallas Is in the center of the USA so East and West will have Equal Ping.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:39 pm
by hirschigrad06
rimmer59 wrote:Ranked...Dallas...Domonation.

Don't want to be Laggy...and Dallas Is in the center of the USA so East and West will have Equal Ping.
Dallas will be fair to all.

Re: COD:BlackOPS server - Your opinions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:41 pm
by badasp
hirschigrad06 wrote:
Ghosted wrote:The vast majority of current MW2 players here are west coast. Personally, my ping doubles if it's in Dallas.

957 miles ... ttle+to+LA


1891 miles ... houston+TX


1380 miles ... houston+TX

And how do we care?
We care by evaluating everyone's needs and acting in a way to best meet those needs. Upon doing so, it's clear that our group is largely west coast and having a server there will provide the best ping to the greatest number of people.

The only people I'd consider a Dallas server for are Heavy and Rockso. They're the only two people outside the west coast that played with us consistently. Hirschigrad would play with us for about 10 minutes, get bored, ask if we would want to play something else or if he should start a server, and then leave. RU played MW2 once and never played again. Rimmer never played and probably doesn't even know what we're playing.

It seems that anywhere but the west coast would be a selfish choice for server location, as it would be catering to a select few who rarely play the game. Of course, Heavy and Rockso are the exceptions here as mentioned previously. From talking to Heavy he does not plan on getting the game, but then again COD has a penchant for making people do things against their will (e.g., buying map packs). I'm not sure about Rockso so I'll ask him next time I see him.